Type: Flat Wing Streamer
Hook: Tiemco #8089 size 6. ( stinger hook or bass bug hook)
Thread: UNI BigFly, orange
Weight: Lead wire .,02", 15 turns.
Tail: Silver AXXEL Flash (in strands) lenght equal to the distance between the
hook and the bend under two gape lenght ends of the body material
Body: UNI-Mohair orange use two strands.
Body Hackle: palmered orange saddle
Wing: Pheasant rump feather including surrounding fibres ( to help hold the wing
flat); wing should reach to the end of the tail.
Hackle: One bunch of natural deer hair spun.
Head ciment: Clear UNI-Lak .
Tied by Jean Guy Côté

A streamer designed especially for the Arctic char of the Alluviak River in the
Torngat Mountains of northern Québec. Fish the Silver Torngat on a floating
line with a leader of six or eight pound test. Strip the fly very quickly. The char
chase down the fly and take it rapidly form behind. Other names given to the
Arctic char are: Salvelinus alpinus, omple alpin, truite rouge du Quebec,
truite Marstoni, truite fardee, omble chevalier, jaunet (Europe).